Barcamper Ventures is an investment fund focused on high-potential technology startups in the digital sector.

The fund currently has a portfolio of seed to early stage companies including BrandOn Group S.r.l., a European marketplace aggregator for companies to sell on digital channels through e-commerce platforms; Cortilia S.p.A., local leader in Italy for high quality and eco-friendly food delivery services, Cubbit S.r.l. a geo-distributed cloud enabler making waves in the data storage arena and WordLift, a generative AI-driven platform revolutionizing digital content strategy for e-commerce, news, and media.

Barcamper Ventures has also successfully completed the IPO of YOLO Group S.p.A. and exited Mindesk Srl (acquired by Vection Technologies) and Sift Science Inc (acquired by Keyless Technologies Std.).

The fund is subscribed by high standing professional investors, including Fondo Italiano d'Investimento, Banca Sella Holding SpA, Confindustria Emilia and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna.

Barcamper Ventures ended the investment period and now only makes follow-on investments in its portfolio companies. The investments underlying this financial product do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

Primo stampato nel cemento

Primo Capital SGR S.p.A.

20123 Milano (MI) - Piazza Borromeo, 14
Cap. Soc. € 500.000 i.v.

CF: 09168310960

P.IVA: 09168310960

Camera di commercio di Milano,
Numero R.E.A.: 2073779

Società iscritta all'Albo dei gestori di FIA al n. 151

Office locations

Viale Luigi Majno, 18 - 20129 Milano
