Barcamper Ventures Lazio is an investment fund operating as a Parallel Fund to Barcamper Ventures. The investment strategy is to co-invest with the Main Fund whenever the target company meets specific characteristics; in particular, the company must have at least an office and operating activities in the Lazio region.

The fund currently holds a portfolio of seed and early stage companies and it has now ended its investment period. Barcamper Ventures now only makes follow-on investments in its portfolio companies. The investments underlying this financial product do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

Primo stampato nel cemento

Primo Capital SGR S.p.A.

20123 Milano (MI) - Piazza Borromeo, 14
Cap. Soc. € 500.000 i.v.

CF: 09168310960

P.IVA: 09168310960

Camera di commercio di Milano,
Numero R.E.A.: 2073779

Società iscritta all'Albo dei gestori di FIA al n. 151

Office locations

Viale Luigi Majno, 18 - 20129 Milano
